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Fig. 4 | Epigenetics Communications

Fig. 4

From: Comprehensive evaluation of the Infinium human MethylationEPIC v2 BeadChip

Fig. 4

EPICv2 performance at low input ranges. Scatter plot (A) and heatmap (B) illustrating probe success rates for various input amounts and cell lines. C Correlation coefficient between replicates comparing 500 sorted cells (left) and 5000 sorted cells (right). D Correlation between low input (from 100 to 1 ng) and 250 ng DNA input samples. E Correlation between low input (5000 and 500 sorted cells) and 250 ng DNA input samples. F Distribution of probe detection success rate across genomic regions for different input amounts. G tSNE analysis of beta values for low and high input samples, using all probes or only probes added in EPICv2 (subpanel). Labeled the number corresponds to the input amount (ng). Input amounts from sorted cells are estimated assuming 6 pg DNA per cell

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